Grow your business faster, cut the struggle, and open the door to abundant ease & flow. You don't need to go it alone.

Expert secrets, real-time coaching, motivation, and accountability you need to reach self-defined success—with the support and friendship that makes the journey joyful.


The expert secrets, tools & templates, motivation, and accountability you need to reach self-defined successā€”with the support and friendship that make the journey joyful.


You have big ambitions, and you’re so passionate about what you do…


But nobody told you it would be this hard.


A freedom-filled lifestyle feels like a distant dream because…

  • Your flying solo in your business and it feels harder than it should
  • You struggle with knowing what to prioritise & focus each day in your big long list of to-dos.
  • You're afraid of having to go back to corporate or get a full-time job if this doesn't work.
  • You have shiny-object syndrome and are pulled in all the directions each day and especially when you scroll on social media.
  • You don't have a strategy or plan each month and are largely 'winging it'.
  • Your mindset is very up & down and fear & doubt are a daily battle.

I’m here to tell you that there is another way!

Sure, building a business isn’t an overnight thing, but with simplified methods and ongoing support, the results you want ARE within reach.

Quit the Google searches and one-off quick fix courses. Here’s what you ACTUALLY need:

  • Personalized, real time advice from a business coach & serial entrepreneur who has been there, done that, and can show you the smoothest path.
  • Continuous learning in all the key 'growth' areas that move your business forward.
  • Ongoing accountability to actually implement what you learn and keep optimizing and evolving.
  • Practices & rituals to cut stress and overwhelm, and define your own version of ease and flow.
  • Support from business besties whenever you need it – talking through the lows and celebrating the highs.

The solution:

the Ellevate Community

The ongoing membership where you grow the business that enables your dream life.

Connect with a sisterhood of women on the same exciting path…


…access expert guidance & insider knowledge…


…and take action to make self-defined success, ease and abundance your everyday reality.


The most simple and cost effective way to get real
Business coaching & support!

Alignment, Expansion,
Action & Accountability

  • Real time business coaching with Suzanne inside our private group Voxer channel
  • Bi-weekly training inside the private Ellevate your Business podcast episodes to learn, implement & grow your business.
  • Monthly themes to honour the cycles and seasons that affect our energy & how we work.
  • Weekly prompts on the theme inside the community - to spark action, start conversation and transform the podcast & Voxer channel teachings into real-life results.
  • Quarterly member connection calls for collaborating & connecting in sisterhood.

    Invaluable Support to 

  • Ask strategic or tactical questions to move your business forward & get quick responses.
  • Have accountability & take actions to move the dial in your business.
  • Brainstorm, celebrate & cheerlead in connection with other women.
  • Network, make new contacts and share experiences with your fellow members

The total value of all the coaching, teaching, support, and practical tools is more than $3,000!

What it looks like on the inside ā¤µļø¸


 Inside our private voice channel, you can ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable, connect and celebrate together so you're growing your business strategically & energetically. 

It's so much more fun when you're not doing it alone!  

1:1 coaching at a membership price! 

Ellevate Monthly Membership - 3 Months of Expansion

1 month free

pay $111 for 2 months (instead of $333 total)

  • 1:1 coaching with Suzanne inside our voice coaching application
  • 2 x trainings per month via the private podcast, Ellevate your Business
  • Quarterly connection calls with other members
  • Monthly themes for strategic & energetic focus

VIP upgrade


Only available within Ellevate (RRP $1111)

  • All Ellevate membership features PLUS
  • 1 Monthly 1:1 call with Suzanne for deep diving into strategy, energetics, mindset. 
  • Tick 'upgrade' box at checkout

My vibration and self-belief has seriously increased since I've started working with Suzanne.

Preeti Rai

Suzanne is a bright light in a sea of coaches and she walks her talk with integrity.

Denise Russell

It's that feeling of community, exchange, and lightbulb moments that make the program so unique.

Karen Boyd

Hi, I'm Suzanne, and I can't wait to be your guide!

I'm not the 7-figure-but-no-soul business coach. Or the airy fairy life coach—all woo and no substance.

I believe the key to self-defined success is both sides of the coin: smart strategy rooted in feminine energy.

Because I’ve done the journey. Scrambled, stumbled, and somersaulted over the obstacles. And I’m here to let you in on the secret:

You can’t DOset big bold goals, make action plans, achieve more in less timewithout learning to BE. Harnessing feminine rituals, working with your cycle and the seasons, and leaning into that key part of feminine energy:


Sharing struggles, celebrating milestones, and supporting each other along our journeys – this is what women have done best for millennia. I’m tired of ‘business gurus’ telling us to ditch our femininity in order to be successful in business – let’s do the opposite and tap into our abundant gifts together.

Can’t wait to see you inside the community.


Why is the Ellevate community the best way to build the business you want?

  • Join a nourishing circle of incredible women who have the same big dreams and bright future.
  • Absorb knowledge, guidance, and leadership from your expert coach (this is the only way to get access to Suzanne at such a low investment!)
  • Create systems for accountability and support—to gain momentum and accelerate your growth (because who wants to grow their business all alone?)
  • Skip the wheel spinning and get on track using Suzanne’s signature strategies & energetic practices she gives guidance on.
  • Access thousands of dollars worth of learning, coaching, and tools, all for an incredibly low monthly price that you can cancel any time. 0% risk, 100% value.

This is for you if:

  • You want to feel fulfilled and successful in your business, without sacrificing joy in your life.

  • You’re tired of hustling to figure it all out alone– you want strategies that actually work, and save you time.

  • You want to connect & collaborate with other women to get ahead, instead of being in competition.

  • You want to learn how to implement ease & flow into your life by tapping into your energies & those around you.

  • You want simple, effective & proven strategies to grow your business.

  • You’re not here for a quick fix or a one-off win. You want to create wealth and wellbeing for the long term, and you’re ready to explore and evolve along the way.

In the Ellevate community, you don’t have to park your dreams, ideas and passions—in your business or your life.


You can reach your true potential and feel peace, abundance, and joy every day.

Ellevate Monthly Membership - 3 months of expansion


pay $222 for 3 months (instead of $333 total)