A 6 month Mastermind that fuses your truth, power & expansive thought leadership to propel  you to A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF SELF-DEFINED SUCCESS

  • Redefine how you do business so that your business is your means to living life-first.
  • A unique and powerful combination of personalized coaching and sisterly support from a group of women who are going through the same transformation in their business and their lives.


Are you on the precipice of something new & expansive and ready to join us?


You are ready to expand your energetic capacity & strategic prowess to live fully in your desires.

Whether you're a coach, a creative business owner, an online entrepreneur (or all of those things!)...


You're here because you feel like you're on the precipe of something expansive and...

✦ You are so ready to expand in all the ways and can't get clear on 'how-to' do it. 

✦ You often feel alone as an entrepreneur and crave more support from a coach & other women entrepreneurs. 

✦ You're frustrated by your cycles of 'over-doing' and are ready to unlock how to scale AND enjoy your life.

✦ You want to increase your revenue & create consistency so you feel more at ease going into each month. 

✦ You want to stop 'slinging mud' and feel super confident about your plans for your business and have the systems & strategy to match.

✦ You want to stop doubting yourself and sabotaging your growth each time you start to get momentum. 

Yes, this sounds just like me!

Hi, I'm Suzanne,
and I have great news for you.

I've coached dozens of women from feeling alone & unclear and into a brand new place of expansive energy and growth.

You and I both know that you're capable of so much more and I am so excited to help you rise up & expand beyond your wildest dreams!


Now it's THE time to...

  • Expand your vision. Not just for this year, but a vivid, detailed, no-holds-barred vision for your business and life. No big dreams are made with small visions, and now is the time to cast the net into the wild!

  • Step into new realms that require you to expand your energetic capacity & feel safe in doing so. Unblocking what's stopping you will unlock new levels you never imagined possible.  

  • Create smart scaling strategies that are in total alignment with who you are, where you're going & help support the life you truly desire.  
  • Understand how to harness life & self-first embodiment so your energetic frequency is operating at the levels you need to attract all that you desire.

  • Channel new connection, clarity, and confidence into your own unique brand & feel unstoppable stepping into your power & truth as an amazing female leader. 

  • Harness your newly defined version of leadership with a business model that doesn't sacrifice you or your life and supports you to truly thrive. 

If THIS is what you want your future to look like...


Taren White - Client Testimonial

Suzanne's magic is coming alongside me and guiding me with her expertise, tools and strategies and best of all...her clarity. She is the Goddess of Clarity! I'm a creative and everything seems like a great idea. Having Suzanne's sharp focus on my end goal has saved me time and energy, which has been put in the right direction. This has created the greatest success in my business to date.

✦ See what's inside ✦

What's inside Phoenix Rising?

One of my standout core values as a Business coach is using spirituality and feminine energetics to build and plan strategically.

In Phoenix Rising, we will be taking you & your business to the next stage, guiding you in expansion while going within, to morph & blossom and to raise those wings up an expand beyond your wildest dreams. 

You’ll need to come ready to transform your business and your life and be ready to step into your truth, power & expansive thought leadership that will guide you towards your biggest dreams. 

Why Phoenix Rising?

Sit at the table with the right people 
The power of a mastermind lies within the collective of women who congregate in the same room, ready to give and receive light, love & guidance that will become a part of their soul forever. 

Sit at the table in the right rooms
When you sit at the table in sisterhood with other amazing women doing expansive things in their lives & businesses, you will feel the power of rising with the collective and will be repeatedly be shown what's possible! 

Expansion requires Energetic Calibration & Embodiment
So many of us have layers upon layers of conditioning & trauma that are knit together to make us who we are today.  Expanding to new levels requires investigating what's blocking you energetically and then healing it. 

Learning how to embody & be in the energy of your biggest desires is one of the most powerful ways to make your big dreams and goals a reality! 

You need to step into your Strategic Prowess
Stepping into your truth & expansion as a female entrepreneur requires a smart strategy that is going to both serve you, help you thrive and support the life you desire. 

Supporting you to have a business model, revenue streams, programs & offers that fuel you is core to the sustainability of your strategy. 


This program is for YOU if...

You feel like you're on the precipice of something big and expansive and you want to feel more supported in getting there.

✦ From the outside, you’ve already achieved some major milestones, but you’re done with growth at the sacrifice of yourself. It's time for sustainable growth in your business but also time to savour the most amazing life you're creating. 

✦ You’re tired of piecing together countless mismatched methods and ideas. It’s time to create a strategy that takes you to the next level with confidence & conviction. 

✦ You believe great business goes beyond spreadsheets and tech systems. You want to delve deeper into healing and unblocking what might be stopping you & to light the energetic fire & increased capacity within you. 

✦ You want a personalized plan with implementable steps to reach objectives that grow your net worth, but also light you up about how you feel about your life as a whole

✦ Deep down, you know you’re capable of massive success, and you are ready to rise up to meet the woman you've always been, ready to soar in a beautiful supportive, connected collective of women. 


Let’s light  that fire today. 


✦ How does it work? ✦

  • An ongoing program, but investment and initial commitment is 6 months minimum.

  • Small intimate group in order to guarantee personalized attention, and a small environment for support and accountability.

  • Group coaching calls (1 call every 2 weeks so approx 16 in total) total with a different focus each 2 weeks, time for hot seat coaching and personal feedback as well as group reviews, reflections, and...celebrations! (audio & video replays available)

  • Powerful content to kickstart & provide foundational blocks
    • Annuelle with 5 modules, 16pg Almanac, 15pg workbook, 5 fillable templates + more. 
    • Energy Code with 4 modules, workbooks, nervous system healing tools, visualizations.

  • Group Voxer channel for coaching, connection, questions, discussions between all mastermind members & Suzanne (housed inside the Ellevate membership). 

  • Workbooks, templates & resource library for all program materials.

  • Option to upgrade to Three (3) powerful 1:1 calls with Suzanne, for individual coaching and creating strategies unique to your business. 

✦ Investment Tiers 

Phoenix Rising VIP Mastermind


Payment plans below

  • 3 x 1:1 calls with Suzanne (50 min)
  • Group Mastermind calls (1 call every 2 weeks)
  • Annuelle with 5 modules, 16pg Almanac, 15pg workbook, 5 fillable templates + more.
  • Energy Code with 4 modules, workbooks, nervous system healing tools, visualizations.
  • Private Email access for questions with Suzanne
  • Group Voxer channel for connecting, discussion, celebrating, brainstorming in between calls.
  • 50% for the Ellevate retreat (June 2024)
  • VIP pricing for any additional 1:1 calls

    or $833 X 6 months
    or $625 X 8 months
    or $500 X 10 months

Phoenix Rising Mastermind


Payment plans below

  • Group Mastermind calls (1 call every 2 weeks)
  • Annuelle with 5 modules, 16pg Almanac, 15pg workbook, 5 fillable templates + more.
  • Energy Code with 4 modules, workbooks, nervous system healing tools, visualizations.
  • Group Voxer channel for connecting, discussion, celebrating, brainstorming in between calls.
  • 20% off the Ellevate retreat (June 2024)

    or $500 X 6 months
    or $375 X 8 months
    or $300 X 10 months 
Yes, I'd love to join! Book a call here.

What members are saying...

✦ Meet your coach ✦

Alignment means everything to me. Let me tell you why.

I’ve reset my own path countless times, by asking myself the simple question: ‘does this align with ME? With my purpose, my dreams, my goals?’

…From 11 years of high flying corporate life as an advertising executive, working my way up to managing director…

…To owner of my own retail concept store in Melbourne. Wearing all the hats and founding a loved, respected and award-winning brand…

…Tapping into my creative passions and building a secure future for my family through our property renovations…

…Following my instincts and putting in the work to become a qualified Life-first Business Mentor...

…And eventually making the move to the South of France that had been our family vision for 16 years, embodying my own definition of freedom (because everyone’s is different!).

So you see, the road wasn’t straight.


But at each turn my compass was my vision and I was in charge of creating the roadmap.

Along the way I handcrafted a treasure trove of tools to learn how to truly savour my life, while I ran my businesses & kept optimising my strategies so they served me and supported the life I truly desired. 

Now as a coach, I bring my 20+ years of business, marketing and entrepreneurial experience, and my philosophy of living first, to help other women look at work and life through a whole new easeful lens.

And this is where the Phoenix Rising concept sparked from – that we need to understand where and who we’ve been, in order to rise up and become the women we’re truly meant to be.

I’ve helped dozens of founders, small business owners and creative entrepreneurs rise up to greet the best versions of themselves, get back to their own joys, passions and definitions of freedom. And watched them unlock true happiness and fulfilment in both their personal lives and careers.

I’d love you to be next.

 Client Results ✦

My clients have had unbelievable wins in their own unique sectors & niches:


Jessica Sandow - Client Testimonial

Suzanne has been there every step of the way as I align my mission and voice to develop a strategy that led me to launch my first group program, design a membership program and soft launch a podcast. The most beneficial part of this partnership has been and continues to be how she helps me connect with my softness and my feminine energy.

Katrina Myers

Thank you so much to you! You've been instrumental in getting me to the next level. Believing in me and supporting me and challenging me. So grateful!!

Sophie Jones

Suzanne has been incredible to work with! I hired her feeling lost and not sure who my ideal client could be. After a few months together, I am completly booked out in my 1:1 program and have a waitlist! Also I now consistently hit $10K months. 

Ok, it's time for the next step! Read on ⤵️

You're ready to soar and expand to new heights!

In order to make sure everyone who joins Phoenix Rising is the right fit AND that the program is suited for you, you simply need to jump on a call with Suzanne which you can do by clicking the button below. 

Book a call with Suzanne